Unlocking Learning : The Olympics

16 05 2010

We are about to start a new Unlocking Learning Project with Year 7 based around the theme of the Olympics. The page design has started to be put together with the holding page in place. Keep checking back for more details on the way we are going to share resources and use the forums for learning and skills discussions.

Olympics Screenshot

Olympics Screenshot

Active Learning

13 02 2010

Active Learning is the start of a new area we are developing in our VLE to impact on teaching and learning. The idea is an online resource is created for a topic / theme in a subject. The resource has links, key words, videos, MP3’s, worksheets, exemplar answers etc and allows students to do further research adding to the depth of their work. We are hoping we can develop this with the new features of Frog 3.0 and allow pages to be easily created by a simple click of a button. The first example we have considered is below and was based around social, moral and environmental issues in Technology.

The lesson was pitched at Year 12 students and was set as a cover lesson. On returning to the group it was clear to see that students had benefited from a clear resources as most had completed 2/3 of the task and came to the member of staff for the teacher led guidance. We are exicted about this area and hope it will have a major impact on all subjects in school.

Active Learning

Active Learning


13 02 2010

As part of the schools Unlocking Learning curriculum students in Year 7 have been set a project in Design and Technology, Science and ICT where they have to imagine being castaway on a desert island. In each subject students are developing food, shelters, clothing and methods of escape and most importantly developing their skills working in a group. Along with this a Frog page has been developed with an online forum.  The idea of the forum is that students and staff can communicate and evaluate their work as they go along. There are also examples of students sharing their research!

Castaway Forums

Castaway Forums

Staff have also been able to upload resources, learning objectives and skills outcomes onto the area so students can see what skills and subject knowledge they are developing. It has also helped with students being able to view resources as and when needed and therefore promoting independent learning.

Castaway Resources

Castaway Resources

At the end of the project students are being given scores from each subjects. One group of students in each class will then present their final work in digital form and it will be placed on the Castaway page. Students will then be able to vote for which group they think will survive longest on the island!

War of the Worlds!

13 02 2010

In English students in Year 11 study The War of the Worlds as part of their GCSE coursework. We are starting to develop an area on Frog for this course. The resource will be used in class and at home and will develop into a multimedia teaching and learning aid for staff and most of all students. We have been able to upload some of the music clips and hope to find scene depicting sections of the text. Along with this existing worksheets and coursework guidelines have been uploaded and embedded in the pages. This area is still under development and we will keep you posted on any further changes.

War of the Worlds Homepage

War of the Worlds Homepage

War of the Worlds Learning Area

War of the Worlds Learning Area